The Silent Thief

Grief sneaks into you brain when the shocking blow of devastating news is delivered.
It takes up residence, like a heavy rainstorm. It seeps into the ground, reaching every crack and crevice, eventually too much for the ground to hold, and when it puddles up and it sits and waits.

Waits for the storm to pass.

When the storm passes it is still there. Puddles everywhere. Soggy, muddy ground. A minefield for disaster and there is no where to go. By  now the grief  has soaked into every part of your brain, even places you didn't think possible. You are left wondering how your heart is still beating, how you can still be alive, still breathing, You wake up, fake life, go to bed, and repeat,

The Silent Thief is there now, at work, sneaking in silently behind the bad news and immediately takes up residence.

He clouds your brain, makes your memories fuzzy.
He makes you forget. Forget to eat, to drink, to sleep, to cry, to laugh, to smile, to feel. He wants you to be numb and useless while stomping around your cloudy brain in his rain boots. You can't tell all the damage he is doing.

I know because he stole my attention span and focus - has taken up residence in the quiet place of my brain. Propping his feet up a Lazy boy, having the best tine ever,  Reading my devotional or my bible was too hard.I went from being a voracious reading to repeatedly rereading the same paragraph in the book 5 times and still not getting it, Grief the sneaky silent thief hides his head and giggles.It is a game to see how many common nouns, like ceiling fan, I can forget, Or names of students and coworkers.

It's hard to come face to face with this thief. I do everything I can to avoid him. I push him away as far as possible because I don't want to experience him anymore. I scroll mindlessly through Facebook for hours on end. I play stupid soda crush on my phone, I write silly blogs that no one will really see. He's taken up a more permanent residence.

I need to evict this silent thief from my brain. out of his comfy chairs of attention and focus, but that would mean embracing him. Sitting with him. Focusing on confronting him alone, but I am not alone I have Him with me and the love and support of those around me.

I am ready for the spring sun to dry up the puddles.
